New feature: The performance when creating a booklet out of existing problems has been increased.
Corrected Bug: In some cases the menu item "Show Possible Values" was enabled, even though this function wasn't actually allowed.
New feature: The possibility to set the severity level of generated problems was introduced.
New feature: The check for unsaved changes now takes place in any case the current problem is reset.
New feature: If the user closes the application and there are unsaved changes in the current problem, the user is now asked if she wants to save the problem.
Corrected Bug: The solving time was not displayed in case of the "Auto Check"-option was selected. This has been fixed.
New feature: The number of problems for booklet out of existing problems can now be set.
New feature: The time used for solving a problem interactively is now been displayed.
New feature: Some changes regarding options. In addition the setting of the options "Track", "Find all Solutions", and "Auto Check" are now saved when closing the program.